Zeeland Refinery Foundation
The Zeeland Refinery Foundation supports various projects of a permanent nature in the Nieuwdorp area in the fields of education, environment, culture and sport, nature and landscape and the preservation of the quality of life in the surrounding communities of Nieuwdorp. In addition, the foundation financially supports and initiates scientific research projects
ANBI status Zeeland Refinery Foundation
The Zeeland Refinery Foundation has an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) status. This status has been obtained because the foundation serves the public good. Assessment has been carried out by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. The status was granted on 24/08/2011. This status is important, because only donations to ANBIs are tax-deductible, also for companies other than Zeeland Refinery.
ANBI-gegevens Zeeland Refinery Foundation
RSIN: 850869778
Address details: Zeeland Refinery Foundation, Luxemburgweg 1, 4455 TM Nieuwdorp – Stichting Zeeland Refinery, Postbus 210, 4380 AE Vlissingen
Board composition and the names of the Board members:
Mevr. N.M.P. De Muynck, voorzitter
Mevr. H. van der Molen, lid
Dhr. W.P. Lievense, secretaris en penningmeester
Policy plan: See the document: ‘Beleidsplan Stichting Zeeland Refinery’
Beloningsbeleid: zowel leden van het bestuur als leden van de raad van advies ontvangen geen beloning.
Remuneration policy: Both members of the Executive Board and members of the Advisory Board do not receive any remuneration.
Report of the activities performed and financial accountability: View the annual reports of the Zeeland Refinery Foundation of van 2011, 2012 , 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 en 2020.